Semmelweis University
Faculty of General Medicine
Budapest, Hungary
Davidson College
Davidson, North Carolina
Main page
Project Aims
Epidemiology and Policy
Our Scientists
Human Subjects Training

Our Scientists

Prof. Antal Czinner MD Ph.D.
scientific director; head of internal department

Reichenhall/Germany 1946.
1992 Heim Pal Hospital, Head of the Internal Dept. Scientific Director
1986-1992 Apathy Istvan Hospital; house physician; specialist in pediatrics; head of internal dept.; director of Hospital;
1995- Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Dept. of Family Care Methodology
1971 Graduated MD., Semmelweis University Faculty of Medicine
1975 Secialisation in Paediatrics
1985 PhD: Cardiovascular risk factor among obese children
1995 Habilitation (Semmelweis University )
1996 Professor of Paediatrics (Semmelweis University )
Experience and research:
cardiovascular risks of children's obesity
Recent publications:
1. SZALAI, C., CZINNER, A., CSÁSZÁR, A.,SZABÓ, T., FALUS, A.: Frequency of the HIV-1 resistance CCR5 deletion allele in Hungarian newborns. Eur J Pediatrics 1998.157:782. (Letter)
2. SZALAI CS., CSÁSZÁR A., CZINNER A., SZABÓ T., FALUS A.: High frequency of the CCR5 deletoin allele in Gypsies living in Hungary. Immunol Lett 1998.63:57-58.
3. SZALAI CS., TRIGA M., CZINNER A.: C112R, W323S, N317K mutations in the vasopressin V2 receptor gene in patients with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Hum Mutat 1998.12:137-138.
4. SZALAI CS., CZINNER A., CSÁSZÁR A.: Genetic investigation of patiens with hypercholesteroleamia type IIa. Clin Genet 1999.55:67-68. (Letter)
5. SZALAI CS., CSÁSZÁR A., CZINNER A., SZABÓ T., PÁNCZÉL P., MADÁCSY L., FALUS A.: Chemokine receptor CCR2 and CCR5 polymorphisms in children with IDDM. Pediatric Research 1999.46:82-84.;
6. KORPONAY-SZABÓ I., KOVÁCS JB., CZINNER A., GORÁCZ GY., VÁMOS A., SZABÓ T.: High prevalence of silent celiac disease preschool children screened with IgA/IgG antiendomysium antibodies. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999.28:26-30.;
7. EAS NELSON, A. SERRA, S. COWAN: Maternity advice survey: sleeping position in Eastern Europe. Arch Dis Child 2000.83:304-306. (Multicentric paper);
8. SZALAI, C., CZINNER, A., CSÁSZÁR, A.: Influence of apolipoprotein E genotypes on serum lipid parameters in a bira-cial sample of children Eur J Pediatr 2000.159:257-260.;
9. SZALAI CS., KESZEI M., DUBA J., PROHÁSZKA Z., KOZMA G. T., CSÁSZÁR A., BALOGH S., ALMÁSSY ZS., FUST G., CZINNER A.: Polymorphism int he promeoter region of the apoliprotein A% gene is associated with an increased susceptibility for coronary artery disease
Atherosclerosis 2004.173:109-114.;
10. KOVÁCS L., PAPP K., VÍGH B., CZINNER A., ALMÁSSY ZS., KATONA G., FARKAS ZS., ILLÉNYI A.: Medical information system for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and hearing disorder in children
Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 2005.7:57-66.?
11. KOVÁCS L., PAPP K., VÍGH B., CZINNER A., ALMÁSSY ZS., KATONA G., FARKAS ZS., ILLÉNYI A.: Medical information system for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and hearing disorder in children
Periodika Politechnika TU Timisoara Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science. Papers of CONTI 2004. 6th Int. Conf. On Technical Informatics 2004.49: 37-42.;
12. SZAMOSI, A:, CZINNER, A., SZAMOSI, T., SALLAI, Á., HATUNIC, M., BERLA, Z., TOMSITS, E., ALMÁSSY, ZS., NOLAN, J.J.: Effect of Diet and Physial Exercise Trweatment on Insulin Resistance Syndrome of Schoolchildren J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 2008.27: 177-183.;
